On November 12, 2024, two public lectures were held at the Department of Biology and
Ecology by the well-known researcher in Ukraine and the world, Igor Dykyy, Candidate of
Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Zoology of the Ivan Franko
Lviv National University, WWF-Ukraine expert.
The lectures were devoted to two topics:
– climate change at the Antarctic Station “Academician Vernadsky”;
– animals and their habitats in Ukraine against the backdrop of military operations.
The listeners had the opportunity to learn about the impact of climate change on the
biodiversity of cold ecosystems, their consequences for the sustainable development of the
region. Significant attention was also paid to the consequences of russian military
aggression against Ukraine and the impact of hostilities on the nature of Ukraine, its
ecosystems, fauna and flora.
The event was attended by more than 60 participants in offline and online formats.
Famous polar explorer and zoologist Ihor Dykyy visited Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University